Friday, 25 November 2011

Planning - Importance of being organised

When working in a group, organisation plays an essential part in reaching objectives, especially in larger groups. There are many implications that may occur if a group is not organised, one being misunderstandings.
If the group is not organised then each member of the group will not be entirely sure of what they are expected to do and wouldn't be aware of their responsibilities and contribution to helping the group reach a task. This will lead to misunderstandings and will halt the group from progressing. In our group we prevent this from happening by making sure that we have assigned a responsibility to a specific member of the group with an expected deadline before leaving lesson. For example, I was assigned to create this blog post and expected to have it done before the deadline. This way we are all contributing in completing our coursework and blog.

When organised it is easy for a group to identify a problem and deal with it immediately. This prevents the problems from escalating and jeopardising our plans, or causing arguments between members of the group.


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