Thursday, 16 February 2012

Construction - Flashbacks

Flashbacks are very powerful ways to improve a music video's storyline.

Using flashbacks generally have one major advantage, this is to allow past incidents to be dramatized in all their impact instead of just recounted verbally.

It helps if the audience really wants to know the information contained in the flashbacks and the importance it has to the whole story.

In some music videos after an opening scene, an entire story is told in flashbacks; the first scene poses a very clear question and hooks us into the story immediately. A potential downside of a flashback could be that the ending of the story is already known to the audience.

This risk is balanced, however, if the difference between the end situation
and the development of the flashback story creates a strong sense of dramatic sarcasm.

Also, a clever director can create the illusion that the story might as yet end differently. i have chosen an example of this occuring in a film called 'Carlito's Way'. In Carlito’s Way, for instance, we know from the outset that Carlito is doomed. Yet, near the end of the story, he triumphs over his enemies, and we start to hope that the opening scene was some kind of dream or fantasy. When tragedy strikes, it does so from an unexpected, yet logical, direction maximizing the impact on the audience.

One of the main rules of a flashback is that if we close in on the face of one character as the flashback begins, it will represent his or her memories. Also flashbacks are generally shown in black and white for a number of reasons; firstly it can notify the audience that a certain scene has happened in the past, and the relevance of black and white provides an effect to suggest that the footage is 'old'. This is used in Kanye West's song 'all of the lights' where it shows a little girl in black and white to suggest that the girl was seen in the past due to the use of black and white.


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