Our song of choice is Kanye West - Blame Game. This song happens to include language that may be seen as inappropriate to the target audience. If we would want our video to be published onto channels such as MTV it is essential that all offensive terms in the track are either uted or reversed otherwise the video would be deemed 'un-watchable' on television which is why we censored the language used in tthe video. Reversing audio while editing is simple and takes a few easy steps to achieve this goal.
Firstly the part of the song that contains the language must be selected and trhen the parts where the language starts and ends should be cut using the razor tool. You can use the Razor tool to cut a clip into two clips, or to cut across clips in several tracks at once. Splitting a clip creates a new and separate instance of the original clip, and any linked clips. The resulting clips are full versions of the original clip, but with different In and Out points.
Once the parts are chosen, you then highlight the part and go clip > speed/direction in order to alter the recording.
With the previous step done, all left to do is check the reverse speed box and the audio will be seen reversed. Once the video is played back, you will notice that the offensive language is reversed and un noticable meaning that your video will be able to be shown to your target audience.
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